Point A to Point B is celebrating what I think is a reasonable milestone – the five year mark. I began this blog immediately after attending the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) in 2004 in New Orleans. The sessions that stand out in my mind from then are Bernie Dodge’s spotlight session on wikis (at that point, more did not know what one was than did) and David Thornburg’s spolight session on the direction of media and learning for students. It was at Thornburg’s session that I decided to just jump in and start writing. Teacherhosting.com was a major sponsor that year, so I got on board with their hosting plan, and off I went.
It’s been a fun 5 years. This blog has been an outlet for me to teach, think, and reflect. To that end, I’m going to begin a once-monthly-ish entry titled “Flashback Friday” to look back at a post or posts from 5 years ago to see if anything has changed.
For this inaugural flashback, the best candidate for review is one of my first posts, “Goals for this Blog:”
“There are so many cool things happening in computer technology. Every day I hear of something great that would be super to try in school. It can be hard for everyone to learn about and keep up with what is going on, so this Blog will serve as a diary of what we are doing, or are planning to do.”
I think this goal is a realistic one, and one I’ve held to throughout. As a technology integrator in a school building, my target audience is the people in my building and my district. I sometime write for the bigger global audience, and also for targeted audiences, like the Video in the Classroom page for workshops I do. Primarily, though, I try to sift and sort through what’s going on and provide some clarity and direction. Sometimes I just blather on about what’s on my mind. Still, I think the goal for this blog remains valid to this day, and is worth continuing.
One way I want to improve the focus is by including more items targeted towards students and/or parents. I’ve got a good handle on how to write for teachers and staff, but I’d like to get better at sharing with other groups in the school community.
If you’ve gotten this far and are a glutton for punishment, you can click on the archives link on the left to see what else was on my mind in July of 2004…