We had our first technical error today that prevented us from broadcasting video announcements. It became clear right afterward that the issue was not enough disk space on the hard drive of the computer. These video files eat A LOT of space, and the show was not saved as we expected. The crew (especially Amy as announcer) handled it great, and switched over to the PA announcements instantly. Although I’m bummed that the show did not go on, looking at the bigger picture, this is the first time this year this has happened. So, I think we have a pretty darn good track record so far.
On a different note, the time has come to begin the transition to 5th grade students doing the show. We have learned so much this marking period about what it takes to put on the production. There is quite a lot of management and technical work to make it happen, and the 8th grade crew has been outstanding. Some of them will be part of the “transition team” to show the 5th graders how things work. It will be interesting to see how this goes, but I’m looking forward to what happens!