Tag: Something for Everyone

  • Epic 2014

    Epic 2014 is a video I was introduced to more than a year ago. It is a summary of recent happenings in the world of technology and media, and goes on to predict what happens by the year 2014. It is certainly just one view, that of the creators of the video, but it is…

  • Where Did September Go?

    So the last post was the day before the computer lab opened, and now *blink* and its the end of September already – yikes! Its been an awesome couple of weeks – the labs are humming with business, Open House went well, and some of our Staff Development initiatives are under way. Wow, what a…

  • Welcome!

    The computer lab opens for business tomorrow morning – its been a busy start to the year, but we are ready to go (for the most part – seems like there are always “loose ends” to take care of!). New question – now that we have settled in for a few days, what are you…

  • Summer Haiku

    Welcome back, everyone! I’d love to hear how your summer was – so let’s try it in the form of a haiku. I’ve read up on haiku a little, and the “rules” for them are not set in stone – but typically one is set with 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and then 5 syllables in…

  • What’s the Beef?

    Blogs! Wikis! Podcasts! Aggregators! Web 2.0! In a salute to the great Wendy’s slogan of the 80’s, the “beef” of current trends in technology are NOT those things listed above. Those items (except for Web 2.0 which is a general label for all of the latest technology trends on the web) are awesome products of…

  • Open Source Sweetness

    So in the land of pesonal learning, I have been working with open source software to learn how this type of software can be beneficial. What is open souce software? For the most part it is FREE software that does all the things pay-for software does. People write code for this software in the interest…

  • Revisiting an Old Friend

    A number of years ago I saw a quote on the cover of an educational periodical. It jumped out at me and resonated with what I have always felt. To this day I have that cover, albeit a bit beat up, taped to my desk. It is a quote from T.H. White in The Once…

  • Internet Safety: Student Version

    Hey gang – start by reading the post below which has the adult version of this. Done? Good – now here it is again, but changed just a bit for you… There is a lot of scary information about what could (and has) happened to kids because of their behavior on the Internet. There is…

  • Internet Safety: Adult Version

    I attended the presentation tonight by FBI Agent Holly Hubert on Internet Safety. I have seen her speak before – she is excellent, and scary at the same time. Following up on what she said, here is an excerpt of the article Mr. Kramer & I wrote in the April 2006 PTSA Newsletter: There is…

  • All it Takes is Money…

    We submitted an update to our 5-year Technology Plan today, along with our wishlist for technology purchases for next year. The wishlist shows exactly what we need now to meet all our technology goals, as outlined in the Technology Plan. The pricetag on the wishlist is a little over $200,000. It is not very likely…