The 2007 5th Grade listening section had a very cute story about a photographer who encountered a rare lioness:
After 2 readings, the following questions were asked:
Two of the questions have reasonably tricky distractors, and the question asking for supporting details from the story could be a stumper if not paid attention to while listening. Students are directed NOT to take notes the first time they listen – I understand why but to have them cram notes the second time only – yikes.
Anyway – what to do, and how to support it…
No Tech (which is how students take the test)
Teacher reads a variety of stories of a similar nature, directing students to listen and take notes as they would on the exam.
Some Tech
Teacher records story using recording software (Audacity), and also has one or two other adults record the story, so students can get used to a variety of oral deliveries. Students listen and take notes as they would on the exam.
Total Tech
Teacher records story using recording software (Audacity) and posts it to the WITS class notes page. Using the discussion forum, students listen to story and take notes in forum as they listen. Students then review notes taken by other students to compare and gain ideas for listening cues. Teacher posts readings done by other adults as well, to provide a range of oral deliveries.
Document and Image citation:
Elementary/Intermediate State Assessment. New York State Education Department. 16 September 2008. <>.