So here it is a week since the last post, and the second full week is done. Were we ever on summer break? I can’t remember it at all now…
Open house was Wednesday night, and I’m very pleased with how our feature video went. We have changed the format of open house a little to where we have a “spotlight” section of about 20 minutes in the middle of the night to feature something about the school. Last year we focused on our Internet Safety efforts with Netsmartz (from the National Center for Missing and Exploted Children), and our in-house website, WITS. This year we used the theme Healty Bodies = Healthy Minds to produce a video about the many ways we promote health and wellness in our building. The shooting and editing of the video was quite hectic due to the deadline, but the results were worth it.
The second activity that started up this week is our 5th graders registering for EM Games. These online math games are part of the Everyday Math program in 5th grade. They are good reinforcement and practice for the skills they need in math. With just a few minutes of login instruction, you quickly hear students gleefully trying to win Factor Captor, Baseball Multiplication and more.
Next week brings the start of 2 digital storytelling projects – one new one and one started last year. The following week I’m doing an inservice on digital storytelling which I think is going to spawn many more projects. Should be quite fun.
Note – this is my first post using ScribeFire, and it appears to work great – thanks to Chris at On the Trails for the idea!
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