Bringing it Together…

WorldwideWebNetworkCables.jpgLast November I posted about where to start with teaching Web 2.0 tools (RSS, Anyone?). Today I finished the first attempt at introducing these tools to our teachers – the title of the workshop was Web 2.0 Tools for Learning: RSS. There was a small but enthusiastic group that was ready to jump in with RSS – we set up Bloglines accounts, subscribed to various feeds, and had great conversation about RSS and Web 2.0 in the classroom.

In that original post in November, I felt the need to start teaching about Web 2.0 using RSS, since it is the glue that binds all of the other tools together. It is simple to set up an aggregator and begin reaping the benefits of RSS – and from there anything else is possible. This workshop confirmed my feelings about how to introduce these tools.


“Worldwide Web Network Cables.” Online image. 21 May 2007.






One response to “Bringing it Together…”

  1. Chris Shively Avatar

    Hi Michael,

    If you use Firefox, the web browser has a built in RSS aggregator. When you visit a site with an RSS feed, just click on the orange RSS link in the address bar and you can bookmark that feed on your Firefox bookmark toolbar.

    Instant RSS 😉