Off to NYSCATE 2008

The annual state conference for educational technology, sponsored by NYSCATE, is this weekend. Just a few of the things I’m really looking forward to are…

…weekend workshops with David Jakes. David does incredible work in his district, and is very motivating to work with. He’s doing the Sunday keynote as well.

a ton of sessions on Monday & Tuesday – I’ve yet to pick the ones i’m attending, but there are lots of great choices.

…the other keynote speakers, Marc Prensky, Don Knezek and Gary Stager – what a lineup 🙂

…connecting and reconnecting with colleagues from my district and people met at previous conferences and online.

my session on Video in the Classroom, which is Tuesday from 8:45-9:45.

It’s going to be a fun, tiring, exciting time!

Image citation:
Reynolds, Peter. “Quest2008.” NYSCATE. 21 Nov. 2008 <>.



