Just finished a lesson today with our excellent science teacher, Mrs. Merlino. She is starting a unit on photosynthesis, and we introduced the students to the notecard tool within NoodleBib. The notecard tool allows the students to copy and paste direct quotations from a source, and then provides scaffolding for them to put what they paste into their own words, and then create their own ideas from there. It is a straight forward process that has existed long before technology, but the simple-to-use interface and anywhere-access makes this a powerful and easy resource. Within 10 or 15 minutes of overview, we were having great conversations about the right thing – how to paraphrase, and form ideas and questions. The ease and power of this tool is great.
Man, I wish I had NoodleBib while I was in school!
Image citation:
“Dictionary Definition: Powerful.” Online image. PowerMediaPlus.com. 5 October 2007. <http://www.powermediaplus.com>