Category: People

  • “Without the time machine, all choices have the possibility of being wrong.”

    “Without the time machine, all choices have the possibility of being wrong.”

    I recently read Scott Berkun’s book, “The Year Without Pants.” It is an informative and entertaining book about his more-than-a-year working for, reporting on what it is like to work in a remote-only environment. He offers insights into the daily life of managing a team across the globe, and compares them to his own…

  • My Answers

    Taking the questions from the previous post, Questions for Thought, I am going to turn the tables and take a turn as if the questions were posed to me. The framework for my answers sometimes relates to how technology supports learning, since that is the focus on this site. Here we go… 1. What do I need…

  • Thank You Heim Middle

    As I finish up this week at Heim Middle and get ready to begin my new position at district office, I wholeheartedly say thank you to all of the great people at Heim. It is hard to believe that I have been here nine years – wow did the time fly! Part of the reason…

  • New Technology Integrator Position

    As part of the reorganization of the district for next year, the building-based middle school technology facilitators are going to become district-based technology integration specialists. It will be a similar role to what was going on in one building, but in the new design, the integrators will be able to help teachers across the district.…

  • Technology Integration in the New NYS Teaching Standards

    New York is a winner of the Race to the Top funding initiative sponsored by the federal government. There is a whole host of passionate conversation about what RTTT means for education. I’m going to skip that part of the dialogue for now and focus on what has been going on in New York, and…

  • Farewell, Friend

    This post is a tribute to a fantastic educator and colleague, Earle Holt. Earle is retiring from Heim Middle School after a 43 year career. His last day is December 23, 2010. Earle has touched so many lives in so many ways. Most importantly, as an art teacher he has had a great impact on…

  • Do You Want Me To Make That Harder For You?

    This week I’d like to share with you a personal screen-play about the power of technology, creativity, and children… Cast: Father and son (yes, me and mine) Setting: family room on a weekend afternoon Props: couch, iPad, desktop computer Background: Remember the cool wooden maze game, Labyrinth? It is a wooden box with knobs on…

  • Where the People Are

    I really disliked Twitter when it first came out. I looked at it and thought I had no desire to know when someone ate a sandwich or went to the bathroom (still don’t). I did not like the fact that thoughts or ideas had to be stunted to 140 characters (still don’t). It struck me…

  • Superman is Already Here

    Before you read this post, please take a moment to go on a field trip to do the following: Walk to the nearest mirror you can find, look at yourself in the eyes for about 30 seconds, then come back. Hello Superman, it’s nice to meet you. Please understand that I use Superman in the…

  • A Look at Ray Kurzweil’s Education Predictions for 2009

    I’m reading Ray Kurzweil’s The Age of Spiritual Machines now, which was written in 1999. In the book, Kurzweil makes predictions for the future in 2009, 2019, 2029 and beyond. In the predictions chapter for 2009, there is a section on education. I’d like to try a little experiment and present the section from the…