• Digital Storytelling 2.0 with David Jakes – NYSCATE

    The presentation resources can be found  on David’s wiki page. One of the reasons I’ve followed David’s work for a while is his focus on digital storytelling. In this session he talked about the fundamentals of good stories, and about his influence and work with the Center for Digital Storytelling. The key to developing good […]

  • Welcome to the Human Network – An Introduction to Web 2.0 with David Jakes – NYSCATE

    Presentation resources can be found here. The first part of the day David spent providing an overview of Web 2.0, focusing on its place in the classroom and how it “changes the game” of learning. Some of the key points as takeaways for me: The key to bringing people on board and understanding Web 2.0 […]

  • Constructivist Celebration – NYSCATE Preconference

    The Constructivist Celebration came to NYSCATE today. The first celebration took place at NECC back in July, and its great that we had the opportunity in New York to come together. Gary Stager, Executive Director of the Constructivist Consortium, and Melinda Kolk, of Tech4Learning, started the day speaking about the value and need for constructivist […]

  • Just around the bend…

    …is the 2007 installment of the state educational computing conference, sponsored by NYSCATE. I’ve been browsing the program, and there are many interesting sessions to choose from. My favorite part about the conference is getting time to spend with national (and international) experts in educational technology. I’m signed up to spend a pre-conference day with […]

  • Learning is Everywhere

    I continue to be amazed at how learning opportunities are all around, and sneak up when you least expect it. Tonight I was co-teaching an inservice class, and while watching my colleague demonstrate something, I was learning many new insights and ideas for a topic I was already familiar with. One of the great joys […]

  • Oh, and the Other Thing Today…

    So today was one of those “sneaker days” as I call them. Running from project to project and room to room. These days are awesome… Mrs. Leone’s 8th grade spanish class finished the first digital storytelling project for the year today. Students had to be filmed in an interview situation with a partner. The content […]

  • While We’re on the Topic of Science

    Following up immediately on the previous post, and speaking of great science teachers… Another lesson today was with Mr. Trombley and Mrs. Krieger (current gifted programming teacher and former science teacher). The three of us and another teacher are working together on our Professional Study Plans. We are in year 3 , which means we […]

  • An Answer to the “Copy and Paste” World

    Just finished a lesson today with our excellent science teacher, Mrs. Merlino. She is starting a unit on photosynthesis, and we introduced the students to the notecard tool within NoodleBib. The notecard tool allows the students to copy and paste direct quotations from a source, and then provides scaffolding for them to put what they […]

  • Harsh – But Gets the Ball Rolling…

    In David Warlick’s book Raw Materials for the Mind (4th ed.), he has the following quote in the introduction: “IT Departments do not work for the technology. They work for the teachers, to make sure that teachers can use the technology to produce the learning experiences that they know need to happen in their classrooms. […]

  • The Second Full Week – Just as Full

    So here it is a week since the last post, and the second full week is done. Were we ever on summer break? I can’t remember it at all now… Open house was Wednesday night, and I’m very pleased with how our feature video went. We have changed the format of open house a little […]