Category: Digital Citizenship
Technology Integration in the New NYS Teaching Standards
New York is a winner of the Race to the Top funding initiative sponsored by the federal government. There is a whole host of passionate conversation about what RTTT means for education. I’m going to skip that part of the dialogue for now and focus on what has been going on in New York, and…
Web Literacy 101: Look Up!
I have a geeky habit that I would like to admit…I prefer to type out web addresses, rather than bookmarking them. Why? Because it forces me to think about how websites are organized, and it tunes me into the browser address bar and what site I’m at. I completely understand that using the search box…
Copyright Confusion
Thanks to an article in a recent issue of eSchool News I was introduced to an outstanding new report, The Cost of Copyright Confusion for Media Literacy. The report is co-authored by researchers from Temple University and American University (American U. happens to be our librarian Mr. Saia’s alma mater). I found the report to…
Harsh – But Gets the Ball Rolling…
In David Warlick’s book Raw Materials for the Mind (4th ed.), he has the following quote in the introduction: “IT Departments do not work for the technology. They work for the teachers, to make sure that teachers can use the technology to produce the learning experiences that they know need to happen in their classrooms.…
Internet Safety: Student Version
Hey gang – start by reading the post below which has the adult version of this. Done? Good – now here it is again, but changed just a bit for you… There is a lot of scary information about what could (and has) happened to kids because of their behavior on the Internet. There is…
Internet Safety: Adult Version
I attended the presentation tonight by FBI Agent Holly Hubert on Internet Safety. I have seen her speak before – she is excellent, and scary at the same time. Following up on what she said, here is an excerpt of the article Mr. Kramer & I wrote in the April 2006 PTSA Newsletter: There is…
Password Changes
It is time for student passwords to change. PLEASE portect your password even more carefully than your locker combination. Do not share it with anyone, and if you ever think someone knows it, ask a staff member in the computer lab to help you change it. Also remember that you should use a password that…
In the last couple of days I have heard about a program called iSafe. In the online world it is increasingly important for students (and adults) to be careful of who they interact with and how much of their real identity they share. iSafe is a program that teaches students how to stay safe while…